The worker bee’s here at the Dog Pound have been getting bombarded with request to have an exclusive Beth Chapman section here – so you know what we did? Created an EXCLUSIVE Beth Chapman fan section!
With a heart the size of Texas and Fist as hard as Nails this Bounty Hunter is not to be rekoned with! Stay turned for more information on Dog’s lil princess, Beth Chapman!
I’m so proud
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Every good man needs a good woman…and that is Beth!!!
that beth is the one girl you just keep beeing you cause me a the dog loves you just the way you are one of you biggest fans
hi beth and dog how are you this is natalie carriere one of your fans i have your book and i liked it too. i like your shows i watch them on youtube.from natalie carriere one of your fans
this is to chapman hillbillies,your peoples have no class,you talk trash to the peoples that put money in your pockets and scum father exposes his young kids you have yourself looking like a hooker,then to speak the lords words then turn around an curse you people are dirty trash hillbillies. beth you have some nerve jugding those young girls take a very good look at your dirty ass self. PIG!
You sure do have a lot of nerve to talk like that. Well I disagree with you completly.
Well you sure do have a lot of nerve to talk like that. I disagree with you completly. And they sure ar’nt the hillbillies. I bet you LOVE there show. Im Dog And Beth’s biggest fan and you can ask me anything about them!
This is a reply to all the hatred, get a life, as a proud native american cherokee indian I am happy to know the chapman family and I have met them all in both hawaii and colorado and their kids, they are very nice and sweet and they do have big hearts. So anyone that hates, fuck you, suck one and sorry for my language admin.
I find it completely distasteful that someone would post ‘hate’ on someones ‘fan site’. My family and I watch DTBH whenever it’s on and enjoy it a lot.
I will, of course, let my children watch the show with us because it DOES teach a few very positive messages: 1) Don’t be a ‘bad guy’ or you’ll get caught & 2) Just because you’ve made a mistake does not mean that you can’t be treated like a human being and learn from them.
Because of positive programming like DTBH, my young daughters want to grow up to be ‘tough like Beth and baby Lyssa’ & ‘help the bad people remember how fun it was to be a good person’.
So, before you go bashing people and throwing proverbial stones, I suggest you take a good look at yourself and what you’re putting out there to the universe.
“Let ye without sin cast the first stone.”
sylvie, that wasn’t very nice to say. You must have some interest in the show & the Chapman family or you’d have no reason to be “wandering” around on this site. It’s ok for people to have their own opinions, & they are at times Very Different. But I think you went Way too Far, with the critisim. You call them hillbillies???? Have you went back & re-read your post?? I had to look at it several times to be able to understand it, your grammer, your spelling, is Almost illegible. How can you make such negative comments about someone else when You, my friend, obviously, struggle with the simple alphabet. Good Luck to you my friend.
Beth is so cool! he roles the nest of dog the bounty hunter and dog knows it lol we still love dog though!!!!
she roles the nest. my bad!!
Beth you RULE
o well
Beth how awesome you are! You and your family are a true blessing to all of us that watch you faithfully
beth is a ocd know it all rude ignorent bitch !!!!!!!!!!!! and she ruins the whole show …..
Speaking respectfully, I don’t know abt beth being “ocd”, she may be a little rude, No, I don’t think it’s really “Rude” but more “Outspoken, or Loudspoken” but I really don’t think she’s a mean person @ all. And, again, “respectfully” have to disagree strongly with her being “ignorant”. To be ignorant, means to be lacking in information on a certain thing or situation. And I don’t think she’s stupid either. “I” think Beth Chapman is a Very Smart & Confident Woman. She Does have a Firey Temper though, & I kinda like that “Spunk” about her! I don’t think Dog the Bounty Hunter could have been the successful show that it has, without Beth as a Huge part of the team. I think each one plays a very important role on the show, A Real Role, and it comes together Perfectly! Love the Show!
***Didn’t intend to offend u, you stated your opinion, & I respect that. I Guess we do have 1 thing in common, We Love the Show! Rite?
beth that was not from holly thats my little sister but that was me i hope to hear from you soon tacurria my little sister is in love with your hubby so now i just got back at her by telling what i know dont worry she is only 12 yrs old
Beth, You are an outstanding and strong woman! We have a lot in common. I wish you the best. I was so happy for you when you married Dog!
I totally Agree with you Michelle! And Krazzzzy Me, I thought “I” was Dog & Company’s whole crew’s, Biggest Fan, lol. I Love’em All So Much, I can’t imagine who wouldn’t feel the same way. I think Beth, as Well as the Whole Crew, are Awesome Role Models & we Need a lot more like them. I am not a “young” woman anymore, although I am in my heart,
But, I still think, I should have been a Bounty Hunter. People laugh when I saw that, but I honestly mean it! I used to reposess cars & work 4 a credit company for ovr 5yrs & it was the Best, Most Exciting 5 Yrs of my life. And I was Good at it Too, Damn Good! Ohhhh, how I would like to be living in Hawaii, & thrilled to just be able to shake hands with the Chapmans!!! 1 Day, maybe…it’s on “my bucket list”!!!!
You rock the show girl !! Keep up the Bad Ass attitude it suits you .
I watch the show all the time , love it love it love it
Beth Chapman is a rude woman. She has no respect. I hope she remembers when Dog took her into jail for carrying a concealed weapon as well as shoplifting. She needs to come to the hood here in Richmond Va. We will put a beat down on her and her crew. As for Leland, I could whip him with no problem. His fat brother is gay and dog is a racist pig. Come to VA sometimes Chapman’s and get a beat down.
There should be more woman like you.You are so strong,and supportive of your husband,all of your children,and you just crack me up when I watch you give these people hell.You get right in their face,and dare them to strike back.I love you,the family,and the show.I wish the show was on 7 days a week.
beth, do you have a special place you purchase your attire, i want to order stuff, (including your awesome shoes)
Why do you use the name beth when you mane is Amy?
people are so rude as long as DOG loves BETH that’s all that matters. i’ve read both of DOG’S BOOKS I still watch every show and the reruns I BELIEVE in the chapman family. Life is what you make it ‘it seems that this family knows how to do it right. I’M GETTING OLD BUT BEFORE I DIE i want to meet the CHAPMAN FAMILY.
I’m so glad you wear better looking lady like clothes. I would rather watching you with all your STUFF covered up . You set a huge example “No Need to LET IT ALL HANG OUT ON TV!”. Glad I was able to help you and Dog get back on TV after Dog saying the “N” word. Beth, Make sure you wear clothes that are NOT too little for your figure. Watch ya’s potty mouth more too! Dog knows “potty” mouth is not casual.CONGRATS! about making it back on TV!! Lisa who don’t see color!
How is it that a pea brain what ever you want to call it Beth, gets away with slandering people on national tv???????? And pointing a weapon at someone in handcuffs?????
Calling someone a kidnapper and rapist on national tv is reprehensible and just plain sick and to top it all off the fucking guy was aquitted???
Someone please tell me how they get away with this, no wonder her husband was sent to prison she should be right there next to him, Wonder what happend to her friend from court tv??? You know the one who was a dirt bag criminal just like Beth????? The one she begged for help when her dirt bag loser husband was locked up?????
Wait she got fired for taking bribes and offer them, all corrupt.. I want an answer to my question please?????? How does she get away with doing that willful wanton and malicious and outright criminal behavior on national television?????
If your going to be rule way respond on here, if you don’t like them don’t watch and don’t talk like that to them. Your the one that’s rude!
Why not way
Beth & Duane(Dog)Chapman,I need for you to contact me @: brother needs your help. I’m studying to be a Bounty Hunter also,is their anyone out there that you of know that would hire me?I know it’s a dangerous job.I never miss a show.Your family is a big inspiration to me.
Beth, please quite chewing gum on the show, it oes you no justice
I’d like to know which island your agency is on. I might finally get to visit Hawaii and I want to make the best choice. I admire your family for trying to help people who are down and out or just troubled. Also love seeing the bond you all have, which is getting more rare in today’s world. Keep up the good work and God Bless you all.
Dog and Beth i luv ur show i watch ur show everyday and its good to c ur son, daughter and dog brother u all work together u r a good team. Keep up the good work.
I know you hear this alot but beth youre my hero… you are a strong and intelligent woman and have a heart of gold… Your dedication to your family is amazing… if more mothers were like you I feel our societies families would be able to stand strong today… I can only hope to be half the woman you are…. Thanks for everything you do beth…
please help me my daughter has been bullied so much she had to quit school cause she had death threats even though she had an adult walk her to class but the school didnt report it to the police she has no friends cause she is over weight as a mom I feel so hurt for her she is pretty I’m a single mom trying my best but struggle please help beth
I love the show Dog the Bounty Hunter).I love the way this family pulls together and works as a fine tuned machine. I love the show and the family, but since I’ve been watching I have noticed more and more how Beth keeps this family functioning, You go girl, Show them that women are capable of just about anything in this world. Thank you, Tyger
Beth keeps dog alive just like Sharon keep Ozzie ozbourne alive….with out these wondeful women these so called men would be in a world or Crap…they would have been dead long time ago….Beth your a wonderfull woman … keep it up Beth..
Beth, big fan! Just wanted you to know I once was a cat hater like you BUT now have two – actually thay are very clean and my house doesn’t smell at all like urine or feces (I’d die if it did) serioulsy. Too bad while your on the hunt white trash and other degenerates make cats seem dirty b/c they are neglected and their litter is never cleaned daily. Cats actually don’t like to be dirty and are very clean animals… just saw an episode doggin cats!! hee hee …Kind Regards
Beth…I think you are such a cool woman…wish I had it to do over, would like to be more like you. Just wanted to say Hi…
To Beth Mrs. Chapman, dear Beth I think you are so cool and awsome you don’t take no bullshit from anyone if you give respect you get it back I love the show and am gonna miss it. I have been in trouble before so I know where both sides are comming from who cares how you dress you r the one on T.V. RIGHT ?? There’s alot of haters out there who are just jealous of you.I used to have a drug problem but I got it together by THE GRACE OF “GOD” I am a Christian also “HE” is the only way truth and the life “GOD BLESS YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO , I am on disability I can’t work, I would like to know what I must do to get a picture of all of you signed?? I don’t have much money because like I said I am on disability but I sure would love to get a signed photograph by you. Take- Care and “GOD BLESS” YOUR BIGGEST FAN TIFFANY A GATT
Please don’t pray and then call someone downgrading names, i really rooted for you a long time, i saw how you progressed physically and then i saw an episode on how your daughters looked. your kids are a reflection of you and you did have one taken. don’t let your daughters walk around with greasy hair and oversized clothes and then get a new hair-do and nail job. please continue the great work you are doing but also take care of your family at home. But please don’t pray to my God and then go call someone a )*(&(*& gutter slut. Keep your image up ma. Thank you.
Dear Beth, I love you and Dog so much. If I am having a bad day, which pretty much is every day, I just sit and watch the show. I love the way you help people in need and right now I am in need plus I pray but find myself feeling very very lost. Thanks for being you.
Hey Beth, My entire family loves you and your family for many reasons. I would never think that people would be so open about their past. I wish you would have been their through mine. It has took years for my family not to talk about my past. I should them all, that I could and did change my life. I love the show and how you take care of everyone. I think your as cool as two fans. love to each of you and be safe always.