Yet another official post – is down yet again… It appears that the .net framework they are working in is having a timeout error.
C’mon tech guys – vamp er’ up – I’m trying to check out the new club.
** Update – it’s fixed – nice work guys… **
I think u people are as phony as the day is long.I never see you go after anyone that is a real criminal.The whole bunch of you are chicken shit cowards.That old lady of dog”s is a fat ass pig.There is a weight limit to high heels,and she is wayyyyyyyyyyy,over the limit.As for your punk brother and son well,they are not shit.You should put your dumb ass daughter on a street corner.Come try to arrest some bikers.
hey dumbass just cause ur mad at dog for getting ur freinds of the streets means u can be an asshole
well everyone is not a biker trash, I feel that if you got it wear it, not be jealous!!! I know that bonds mans are the best, thank God that the family knows the only good thing about that it ended.