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Dog the Bounty Hunter » Dog the Bounty Hunter Discussion Forum » "Baby" Lyssa Fan Forum » Lyssa's role

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Author Topic: Lyssa's role
Posts: 43
Post Lyssa's role
on: September 1, 2009, 19:10

I thought when Lyssa first came on as a team member she was going to be alot more involved that the way it has turned out.She started out being a pretty active member.I know she probably backed off some while she was pregnant but even before that she wasn’t shown very much. Since she is an actual licensed bondsman I would think she would have her own jumps that she could take the lead on.That will make a good episode.All the guys following her lead.In ‘Fire and Ice’ Beth mentioned how Lyssa needed to learn all what goes on,I would be cool to see Beth mentoring Lyssa.

I am me .

Posts: 151
Post Re: Lyssa
on: September 13, 2009, 15:28

That’s true…

Even though she has he own license I don’t think she has what’s needed to run her own agency. She prob has her license with Dog & Crew.

I became a licensed Bail Bondsman in Denver, Co but never activated it because the surety company’s require you put your house up as collateral.

Unless she owns her own home outright chances are she cannot hang her license with a surety. It also typically takes a quite a bit of time to get your $$ bond writing up.

Posts: 296
Post Re: Lyssa
on: September 15, 2009, 10:14

They all have active licensing in Hawaii… its online lol

I think she will now be running more of the office details since having the new baby.

She has said several times that she doesn’t want to be a bounty hunter.. and she doesn’t want her husband to be one either.

I don’t think she wants to put her job before her family.

As for putting your house up.. that must be different per state because i’ve met a lot of bondsman lately and some do not even own a house here in florida lol


Posts: 2
Post Re: Lyssa
on: April 20, 2011, 06:45

I see she was arrested for harasment and 3rd degree prop. damage. Her mugshot is on TMZ . If she is convicted of a felony. She cant work in Colorado .

Retired military .

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