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Dog the Bounty Hunter » Dog the Bounty Hunter Discussion Forum » Beth Chapman Fan Forum » New look, New attitude?

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Author Topic: New look, New attitude?
Posts: 296
Post New look, New attitude?
on: August 2, 2009, 14:56

Ok is it just me, or has Beth really calmed down since she has taken on her new “look?”

I noticed in the old episodes that the bigger her hair was.. the louder she was lol ;)

I noticed she also wore a lot of really short shorts and low tops back in the day. lol


Posts: 137
Post Re: New look, New attitude?
on: August 24, 2009, 17:00

Quote from Wendy on August 2, 2009, 14:56
Ok is it just me, or has Beth really calmed down since she has taken on her new “look?”

I noticed in the old episodes that the bigger her hair was.. the louder she was lol ;)

I noticed she also wore a lot of really short shorts and low tops back in the day. lol

I think the format of the shows have changed since the ‘early days too’ and i miss all the beth loudness , views etc . They used to make me laugh and make the shows a bit more personal , but now i think they are more focused on catching and just the fugitive .

Bring Back They Old Format i think :(

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