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Dog the Bounty Hunter » Dog the Bounty Hunter Discussion Forum » General Discussion Board » What does everyone do?

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Author Topic: What does everyone do?
Posts: 9
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 17, 2009, 23:14

Aww I am sorry to hear that bellmutt. :( I hope you get better soon!

I do Executive Protection & Bail Enforcement. :)

Hello – I am Shad, the website admin – welcome!

Posts: 43
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 26, 2009, 09:54

I have a thrift store. We buy public storage units at auction.We either re-sale the merchandise in our store or list it on amazon or e-bay. It’s pretty cool.Going thru everything ,you never know what you will get.To bellmont – I had tried to twitter you a message before (I’m lostgirl906). My son had cancer when he was a baby. He turned 18 in July,We were and still are so lucky.Doctor’s can do great things.Hang in there.

I am me .

Posts: 296
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 26, 2009, 10:55


Thats is so cool about the thrift store. I know Edith (dogsangel4) does something similar. I bet you find some cool things.


Posts: 43
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 26, 2009, 13:13

Yes I do. Back when I was in my Lord of the Rings phase I used to find things all the time.You would be amazed what people put in storage and then end up loosing.I’m hoping to find Dog’s book.if not I’ll have to order a copy from the internet.None of the stores around here carry it and I haven’t read it yet.

I am me .

Posts: 296
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 26, 2009, 13:17

Have you tried your local library? I know ours carries it :)

We have a storage place a couple of blocks from our house and they have auctions a few times a month. its crazy the stuff they have sitting out there.

Ever found anything creepy?


Posts: 43
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 26, 2009, 13:55

Creepy nasty and dirty. I always wear gloves. My latest treasure is about 75 little smurf figurines.Some are dated from the early 60’s. I hadn’t realized they had been around that long.They are so cute though.The library’s in my town suck.Our communitte doesn’t support them like they should.

I am me .

Posts: 296
Post Re: What does everyone do?
on: August 26, 2009, 14:08

i remember the smurfs were big in the 80’s (i’m dating myself lol) i had no idea they went way back to the 60’s.

Sorry they don’t have it in your library. its a great book. i couldn’t put it down. :)


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