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Dog the Bounty Hunter » Dog the Bounty Hunter Discussion Forum » Welcome » Welcome DYoung

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Author Topic: Welcome DYoung
Posts: 296
Post Welcome DYoung
on: August 2, 2009, 16:47

Your post on the main page was so funny!

I’m glad you can take and make a joke!

Welcome and I can’t wait to read more of your posts :)


Posts: 151
Post Re: Welcome DYoung
on: August 2, 2009, 23:01

Which post was that? I must have missed it :)

Posts: 296
Post Re: Welcome DYoung
on: August 2, 2009, 23:26

Hey dog, it’s your old buddy member me? Look bra, I was wondering if i could get my old job back. After my indecent exposure and attempted vehicular homicide charges I gotta find a way to pay da bills and all my fines bra. I know your busy with Marco so I understand if you haven’t had the time to call me back bah, or maybe you dropped the phone in the toilet and lost my number. But you can e-mail me back at-



Posts: 137
Post Re: Welcome DYoung
on: August 29, 2009, 13:05

Oh dear haha but hi DYoung

That post did make me laugh lol

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