Is Dog the Bounty Hunter really “Christian?”

Is Dog the Bounty Hunter really “Christian?”


Submitted by: Dog Bounty Hunter Fan

Is Dog the Bounty hunter a T.V Christian or does he really live by a walk in faith with Jesus Christ outside of the popular A&E Television show, Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Dog’s answer to this question doesn’t really have any effect on how I view the show. I am friends with a few folks in the Colorado Bail Bonds industry who claim to know Dog and ask the question…

You know why his name is DOG right? Because it’s GOD spelled backwards…

As a Dog the Bounty Hunter fan I hope he or someone from A&E can answer me this… I am pretty sure that anyone who walks in faith does not curse and belittle people in the way that Dog does then come back with how they need to turn their life around and walk with Christ. Doesn’t this seem a little bit hypocritical? Maybe not…

So, it wasn’t a complete surprise to find out that Dog believes in God. The Wittenburg Door has a great interview with him up on their site right now. Here’s a notable quotation:

When Jesus died on the cross he was crucified with two thieves, and one, of course, said, if you’re God get down off of here, and the other one said, please help me out, brother. Jesus said nothing to the one, I don’t think, but he said to the other, “Tonight you’ll be sitting down with me and my Dad in heaven.” So, my people are those people on the cross with Jesus, the thieves. That’s who I’m responsible for. So, each time I go out and capture a thief or a criminal I have to tell them, you know, I don’t try to pound Jesus down their throat but I have to tell them I was once a thief, and that I saw the light, and there is a light for them. That’s like my congregation, you know what I mean? My ministry is to the thief. I used to be ashamed of that, and then I read the part where it said, “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” My guy could be in the front line so you’ve got to really be good.

Thanks to the user who submitted this article! We have made contact with the proper contacts in hopes for an answer. In the meantime – feel free to post your comments here!

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